Unlimited Winter Fun Passes!

Lots of fun in an inexpensive package!
That’s what we want you to think of when you think about Shenaniganz. More specifically, Shenaniganz during the holidays! We know this is the most stressful and fun time of the year, so we’re here to make things a little easier on you while making it the best time of the year!
So, you’ve got kids, or family members, or friends, or… some other group of people, and you’re looking for a discounted way to have an awesome time with them. Maybe you realize the weekend is coming up and you don’t know what to do this weekend, so you’re looking all over for somewhere to take your family. Maybe, we have the perfect answer to all of your problems… And by maybe we mean we’ve got the perfect deal for you and anyone else who likes fun! You probably saw it on the pretty picture for this blog, but we’re talking about our Winter UNLIMITED Fun Passes! A great way to spend the holidays, our Winter Fun Passes give you all kinds of fun things to do here at Shenaniganz!
We’ve had a bunch of different unlimited pass deals in the past, but we don’t get tired of talking about them! So, let’s start with the bottom line: We make it easy for you to have a great time by boiling everything down to one price. With our Winter Unlimited Passes, you pay one price per person and that’s all you worry about for the day! No hidden fees, no exempt attractions, just one easy-to-process price that gives you just about everything!
Now, almost everything sounds like a lot…
And we know that! We’re here to give you a lot of fun! That’s kinda the whole point of these passes, which is what we’re trying to say in this blog… anyway, you probably would like to know what exactly you get with these awesome passes! Well, look no further than this paragraph! For starters, we’re pretty famous for bowling, so you’re going to get unlimited bowling! That means if you need to get your bowling fix, you can do it during winter break! And what’s a little bowling without some Lazer Tag? You’ll get in on some of that fast-paced, heart-pounding fun with your pass purchase as well! Speaking of fast-paced, kids under our height requirement will also have access to the multi-leveled Kid Zone located in The Backyard! That means they can burn off tons of energy they got from enjoying a hot lunch over at Rozie’s, our in-house restaurant! The fun doesn’t even stop there; your winter fun passes will also get you access to our amazing Flip N’ Spin Cars! They’re like bumper cars, but you’ll occasionally be spun upside down when you’re bumped!
Now we know some of you come here for Axe Throwing and Escape Rooms, so we couldn’t leave those out of the fun! With your purchase of an Unlimited Pass, you’ll also qualify for HALF OFF Axe Throwing and Escape Rooms! That means you have access to absolutely everything we have to offer with your Unlimited Fun Pass purchase! So what are you waiting for? Go buy them for the whole family right now!